
Suicide poem and guitar

Посв. Е. А. Ш.
Это может быть, что вы не замечали,
Что на этом свете вовсе не одна,
Разные есть тишины, что тишина
Может в камне быть иль, например, в вуали.
Тишина всегда есть в искренней печали.

Я всегда искал её, её одну,
Эту сложную, большую тишину
По старинным и заглохшим амбразурам,
В лампе под зелёным абажуром
И под небом, серым, благородным, хмурым...

Так как в юности я был в любви несчастным,
Так как я скучаю и всегда один,
Так как я считаю в мире всё напрасным,
Я собрал себе коллекцию тишин.
Труд мой был безмолвным, долгим и опасным.

Слово лишь намёк роскошнейших молчаний.
Дружелюбные читатели стихов,
Вы должны быть сами полными мечтаний.
Я ещё коллекции сбираю — снов,
Глаз, закатов, тьмы и северных сияний.

А.К. Лозина-Лозинский

I'm in a deep depression, so sorry.
There are so many reasons for it.
Haha, I make excuses for nothing, again. My bad habit.
I play guitar every day. During one week I haven't been playing chords at all, only played different self-composed 'air' melodies by tapping. Perhaps, it's because I needed 'emotion give-out'.
I should practise chord playing more, I understand. I have big problems with accompanying right hand now: it became lazy after playing with plectra.
I have already set my old poems to music. They sound sooo weird, gosh. As bad audio book :D
I've become so dependent on guitar, that's bad. I'll be crying when it's time to give it back :) Rhyme, wow.

I've seen such a good picture today on wikipedia:


Unknown said...

My brother got different self-tutors - for left & right hands, how to play heavy metal/blues/rock/etc. Also he has video-tutors made by some famous guitarists whom he respects.
Are you interested in it?
Also: my brother & me are going for the Gregorian at the Philharmonic Hall. Would you like to join us?

Nataly said...

Well, I'm not interested in rock now as it's different to acoustic guitar music... I don't know, I need something classical.
Oh, my Mum and me have already bought tickets for Gregorian! They are so expensive so I hope they will be worth it~

Unknown said...

As you wish. I'll look if there are some tutors of classical music among brother's tutors. And anyway, video tutors are really nice - to look how a profi plays costs much (nothing if we have torrents :D )
Damn, there left only 3500 rubles-tickets for Gregorian. Brother lost his interest in Gregorian immediately. Ну что мы с ним такие тормозааааааааааааааа...