
Some asian blogs have really made me angry (>.<)
There are a kind of music gadgets everybody can add to his/her blog to the right or left, top and bottom. And when I opened the main page of a blog this music gadget started to play music ><"
Ok, it helps to understand someone's music taste.
But I'm having my iTunes on and when it plays with the browser music it's a terrifying cacophony (¬_¬)


The walk with Tim was so good that my feet are still glad. Old wounds from the May concert remind of themselves :)
I'll be Master of Bandage soon :D

I have downloaded Schweinstein album of Schwein group recently. Schwein was the project group of the members of 3 bands: KMFDM, PIG and Buck-Tick. I was interested in it as there were Sakurai Atsushi and Imai Hisashi :3
The Schwein track has amazed me! Its lyrics are in 3 languages: Japanese, German and English, - all the foreign languages I can speak :D
My recommendations to Crown, Porno, Organzola and My sanctuary tracks too.
Album genre: industrial / synth pop / electro pop ?


Straight edge

Yesterday-today night-morning I have heard about straight edge for the first time. I have never thought that there's something like such a 'healthy-friendly-...' maybe even 'decent' subculture in rock. I was really glad to know about straight edge.


Naneko cat O.o

Having just typed 'Naneko' in Google :D
Using others' pictures without there permission is a bad manner, I know, but the cat is too pretty >.<
the pictures are from there


to do list

  • watch Crystal Blaze 1-12
  • watch L'arc~en~Ciel - CHRONICLE ZERO
  • watch L'arc~en~Ciel Smile Tour 2004
  • watch Longinus
  • watch .hack-SIGN
  • watch 9 songs
  • watch Hack Roots 
  • watch Pinky and Brain in English (sweet holy childhood xD) 
  • watch all cartoons Pink Panther *.* 
  • watch NANA Live-Action
  • watch Persona -trinity soul- serials
  • watch Taboo
  • watch L'arc~en~Ciel Tour Trans Asia via Paris (gosh, I didn't know I have so much laruku concerts to watch Oo I have 4 concerts of Buck-Tick but I have already seen them  I avoid laruku xD)
  • write reviews on theeeeeeeese ones ↑ x_x
  • watch Naruto Shippuuden xD kill me 
  • continue studying Japanese with new video courses and progs:
    • SinNihongoTyu
    • Rosetta Stone v3.2 (Japanese - Level 1-2-3)
    • Nihongo de kurasou
  • learn up to 1.000 Japanese characters this summer (I'll die but I do it :D)
  • delete unnecessary files in my documents and in my part of hard disk ~ 4+ Gb (Gb-GarBage xD)
Ну, прямо день блоггинга, дорвалась, укорите меня xD

2 Tim
из Тюмени пропаду на несколько дней, но к воскресенью обещаю вернуться :)

Хвастаемся :D

Закончила первый курс, пока не сдала в деканата зачетку, буду хвастаться :)
Первый семестр 

Второй семестр

Блич, купленный за контрольные/домашние задания/репетиторство/...
халява-халява xD
Я даже стала читать следующие тома в инете, подсела на эту мелодраму, ужасть. Совсем сентементальной становлюсь. Или все еще весна, или старею :)

Наконец и до Тюмени дошел последний том "Магазинчик Ужасов", который я не могла не купить, чтобы поставить на полочку и грустно вздохнуть, что больше не надо будет идти на каблуках, раздирая мозоль в мясо, в книжный магазин, чтобы проверить наличие нового томика :)

Pictures again: preparing xD

The night before Microeconomics exam
9 pm

11 pm
trying to make a serious face

11 pm 
serious face attempt failed

12 am 
the scissors, the wrapper and crazy Nataly xD

1 am
reading the last topic


University English lesson... an old picture - autumn '09. Yes, everybody's looking 'perfect' here...

 My cool Math teacher - Shalaginov Sergey Dmitrievich. I'll miss him :'(


The titlle 'Dancing cow' always makes me laugh xD
I've become addicted to this German snack :D 


The Great Table Mess

Preparing for my Tuesday Microeconomics exam x_x


Something sad

I'm "cynical and asocial bastard".
I want to suicide with the wall now.
Годы юности меня убивают.


Homeopathic remedies and high heels were invented by sadists.


Note: love of art

It seems to me that nowadays to 'confirm' the fact you are a kind of creative person (I don't mean a person with lots of unusual ideas as its meaning is now but an artist, a poet, a photograph, a musician etc) or you simply like the Art you must draw or paint or write poems or compose etc.
It's not problem for the real creatives. But art-lovers?..
I haven't been writing poems and drawing for a long time so my 'confirmation' is quite problematic.
Such an attitude to 'quasi-art-lovers', I belong to, in today's generation opinion, is really unpleasant. I hope it'll change.


Черт, до каких же пор мне нужно будет жить по советам других людей? Когда я стану здравомыслящим человеком и смогу принимать разумные решения?
Совсем не взрослею.
Похоже, слушание советов можно назвать "накоплением опыта" или "накоплением мудрости". Наверное, так и должно быть.