
Crazy 1

Боже, мне доставляет удовольствие готовка, мытье посуды и не только ее, стирка мелкой одежды и ее починка. Это прекрасно успокаивает меня.
Ну, почему в последнее время меня называют "истеричным мальчиком"? :О
Не нашла причинно-следственной связи между утверждениями и решила, что всё-таки я девочка :D
Боже,  у меня раздвоение личности :D
You may not comment this madness xD


Unknown said...

I must comment on this!
the whole world is so may be because cooking and repairing girls are so rare nowadays. A boy who cooks, washes up, does repairing is easier to imagine. That was about "why boy?"
As for isteric you know it better, I suppose.
However, your gender characteristics don't depend on somebody's words and opinions. You are you, I hope.

Nataly said...

Boy - I don't wear skirts or dresses and begin often saying "oh, these mysterious women" (my girl-groupmate always tell illogical things, I can't control myself :D)
And "hysterical" because of this ↑ phrase: sometimes I say it quiet loud with uncontrolled laugh)
Or I'm simply too serious girl?)

Unknown said...

"my girl-groupmate always tell illogical things"
How I do understand you!
I'd rather call you "the only normal person I know" :)