This January was full of new impressions. I've spent some nights with very memorable people and learnt lots of interesting and useful things for me.
Thanks to Nummi and 9. Tom, you make me laughing and feeling old good Shurf, not Insane Fish Breeder :)
Thanks to Yulia, shocking artist :D I would hardly ever forget your French classes with "Называй меня maitresse!". Thanks to her, in reality, I've learnt the way of the vegan seduction and she lost her vegan way because of me. I feel as a demon, gosh.

Thanks to Maria 'Goddess' that she came to Tyumen for 5 days. I'm really glad she liked my gift for her (I would die ( = be in deep depression) if she didn't).
Thanks to Nickolay and Venera for accompanying me in spending my money. I had that 'generous Rockefeller' mood and couldn't buy anything for myself.
Thanks to yes-I-remember-it-is-not-my-guitar-for-ever that rapes my fingers and makes me happy ( don't try to find any bonds between these two actions :) ).
I felt regret for almost 1000 times for cutting my hair even though I was so happy with it in the beginning. I've got the nicknames now as 'asian hustler', 'girly boy' and 'shaggy puppy', loool.
Though I still love my back of the head.
I hope to get over this term without any serious troubles as in the previous one. I'm so willing the summer to begin then I'll likely meet Kirill, Nastya, Ksyusha, Katya, Polina and other former gymnasists. I miss them all very much.
And now, hello Macroeconomics, essay and tasks.
Why, nice hair. Boyish, by stylish :)
I hope this term will not be a trouble too - the prev was kinda nervous.
Thanks :)
Let's pray for a good term :D
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