
Musical theory :D

How many people know what these parts illustrate? :)
After failing elementary musical theory exam I do know now.


Unknown said...

Well, I'm a complete failure at it. What is it? I know that's music notes and that's all I know.

Nataly said...

Try to ask anyone of your friends who studied musical theory, I just want to learn if any musical-educated person remembers what it is :D

Unknown said...

My brother said it's Mozart Symphony g-moll and Tchaikovsky opus 37 bis №6 Barkarola :)
Also he said he understands most of the notes and still doesn't understand what you want.

Nataly said...

These two illustrate so called 'upbeat' (затакт) - группа длительностей, неполный такт без тяжелой доли, с которого начинается произведение или любая его часть :)

Unknown said...

He did see the upbeats, but he didn't think it was the task.
The only thing he doesn't know here is the arrows above the notes. Do you know what it is?

Nataly said...

No, I don't, I'm newbie in music ^^

Unknown said...

We are too :)