Christmas mood
Being a milk-addicted I see a milk carton oftener than other things in the fridge.
Swedish milk reminds me it's Christmas soon, good :D
How to make your own star / Just front side :D / X-mas crossword / About Christmas cheese
Swedish milk reminds me it's Christmas soon, good :D
How to make your own star / Just front side :D / X-mas crossword / About Christmas cheese
I have lost my weight to the critical point again soooo next week is announced to be "Gluttony week" :D i really promise to eat all these
Every dish will be cooked by Nataly :)
7th December
8th December
Chocolate cake
9th December (International Economics Exam...)
Pancakes with Nutella
10th December
11th December
Chicken Curry
And after it all of course "work out" in the gym :D
Every dish will be cooked by Nataly :)
7th December
8th December
Chocolate cake
9th December (International Economics Exam...)
Pancakes with Nutella
10th December
11th December
Chicken Curry
And after it all of course "work out" in the gym :D
I was a kind of mourning since Mussya's misfortune and then just didn't find anything interesting to publish here but in my Swedish blog.
Now the time has come as I feel ashamed :)
I'm soooo in love with the life abroad, even after 3 months of being in Sweden I can learn something new every day. Dreams come true and so on, I believe I won't be alone anymore.
We have already passed 2 exams in University West - Macroeconomics and Swedish for beginners. Swedish education system is much better than Russian one, we have 1 examination a month here, not 5 exams in 4 weeks. Though that can be difficult for some one to study the subjects as the teachers just emphasise the key points of the study books for examination and the detailed study sits heavy upon the students.
I've almost forgotten about my film blog but I promise to fulfil it when I'm back to Russia (oh no!), I'll have enough time in the nights :)
I like the life here when I don't have time to write to the blogs :D
I love my today's shelf in the fridge, yammies for the dinner :D
Presentation of Tyumen State University in our village Trollhättan :D

More pictures I will upload there in a moment :)
I should write I miss my guitar Aika, wait for me :)
Now the time has come as I feel ashamed :)
I'm soooo in love with the life abroad, even after 3 months of being in Sweden I can learn something new every day. Dreams come true and so on, I believe I won't be alone anymore.
We have already passed 2 exams in University West - Macroeconomics and Swedish for beginners. Swedish education system is much better than Russian one, we have 1 examination a month here, not 5 exams in 4 weeks. Though that can be difficult for some one to study the subjects as the teachers just emphasise the key points of the study books for examination and the detailed study sits heavy upon the students.
I've almost forgotten about my film blog but I promise to fulfil it when I'm back to Russia (oh no!), I'll have enough time in the nights :)
I like the life here when I don't have time to write to the blogs :D
I love my today's shelf in the fridge, yammies for the dinner :D
Presentation of Tyumen State University in our village Trollhättan :D
More pictures I will upload there in a moment :)
I should write I miss my guitar Aika, wait for me :)
You are the cleverest, the tenderest, the strongest personality I've known.
You are ideal.
I will always remember you and you are always in my heart.
RIP Musilda Pavlovna
You are ideal.
I will always remember you and you are always in my heart.
RIP Musilda Pavlovna
The mess is going on, son of a fitch :D
I'm done with the application for the residence permit so now I can just wait when my application status on the embassy web is updated.
I'm on my first intership now and it's very cool. Though I'm not entrusted anything serious but I really love our room with air condition when it's +33 outdoors :D I like the atmosphere here: the company is neither small nor big so lots of the employees know each others but the staff turnover is about 30%.
I'm preparing for the student exchange a little bit, trying to study Swedish. I can get how do they read O.O "Swedish is one of the easiest languages to learn". Oh, yeah, it's easier than Chinese, I agree.
I slightly try to improve my epic American prounanciation with British audio classes but tongue twisters just make me laugh out loud when the 'audio tutor' pronounces "Can you quickly kick a crokked Coca-Cola can?" in 0.5 second.
Recently I have sorted out a mess of drafts in my rambling film blog and scheduled it on weeekends so that new posts will appear just on weekend (simply because I usually watch films at that time).
Some picture to waste your traffic
Preparing for lovely Macroeconomics (~ month ago)
And overeating strawberry
Celebrating Macroeconomics and other exams
Azazello watches you
I'm done with the application for the residence permit so now I can just wait when my application status on the embassy web is updated.
I'm on my first intership now and it's very cool. Though I'm not entrusted anything serious but I really love our room with air condition when it's +33 outdoors :D I like the atmosphere here: the company is neither small nor big so lots of the employees know each others but the staff turnover is about 30%.
I'm preparing for the student exchange a little bit, trying to study Swedish. I can get how do they read O.O "Swedish is one of the easiest languages to learn". Oh, yeah, it's easier than Chinese, I agree.
I slightly try to improve my epic American prounanciation with British audio classes but tongue twisters just make me laugh out loud when the 'audio tutor' pronounces "Can you quickly kick a crokked Coca-Cola can?" in 0.5 second.
Recently I have sorted out a mess of drafts in my rambling film blog and scheduled it on weeekends so that new posts will appear just on weekend (simply because I usually watch films at that time).
Some picture to waste your traffic
Preparing for lovely Macroeconomics (~ month ago)
And overeating strawberry
Celebrating Macroeconomics and other exams
Azazello watches you
When all this mess with residence permit and examination is over I will come here back.
I have found beautiful watercolour illustrations in my chilhood' book by Yevgeny Charushin. Still impressed how watercolour 'describes' life with insinuation.
I have found beautiful watercolour illustrations in my chilhood' book by Yevgeny Charushin. Still impressed how watercolour 'describes' life with insinuation.
Comics, past...
Last weekend I have found the origins of my present comics-liking: old-old Disney comics translated into Russian in the beginning of 1990th. I've rememberred I had been reading them to tatters and smudges.
Guitar ~ Spirited Away
Дочитала свою килотонну бумаг по бух.учету, теперь можно заняться и приятными делами :)
Пересматривая в дни депрессии любимые мультфильмы, в том числе 千と千尋の神隠し, решила, что нужно научиться играть что-нибудь более замудренное, чем "всякие непонятные иностранные песенки". Например, то, что просто без слов. Например, いつも何度でも ~ Always With Me by Yumi Kimura.
Нормальные люди играют с каподастром, но мы же легких путей не ищем :) У меня выходит что-то вроде такого, только хуже, конечно:
Надеюсь доучить к лету :)
Comics, news...
Doing my demographic statistics home work and surfing blogs and comics...
I have just fallen in love with полный пока comics and got so sad when I have known it's 'oficially completed'. I'm such a retard when it goes about Russian comics drawers.
Last weeks I have been translating あやはとり召喚帖 (ayahatori sho:kanjo:) manga from Chinese into Russian for Russian translators group, that's a hard work. Still haven't completed it, Chinese is such a hard nut :) Besides, I had an extremely high temperature last week, so unusual.
My cat is sleeping under my blanket with her head on my pillow and snoring (yeah, in reality, nobody hepls her with the dream place). I just want to kick her away but it seems nonsence.
I have just fallen in love with полный пока comics and got so sad when I have known it's 'oficially completed'. I'm such a retard when it goes about Russian comics drawers.
Last weeks I have been translating あやはとり召喚帖 (ayahatori sho:kanjo:) manga from Chinese into Russian for Russian translators group, that's a hard work. Still haven't completed it, Chinese is such a hard nut :) Besides, I had an extremely high temperature last week, so unusual.
My cat is sleeping under my blanket with her head on my pillow and snoring (yeah, in reality, nobody hepls her with the dream place). I just want to kick her away but it seems nonsence.
Pre-spring post
Today everybody talks about the last day of the winter.
Mussya is especially passionate today in the way of showing her emotions (nearly has broken my nose).
Spring is in the air and our hearts and so on~
Mussya is especially passionate today in the way of showing her emotions (nearly has broken my nose).
Spring is in the air and our hearts and so on~
Есть люди с особо чувствительной кожей –
их лучше не трогать. Они не похожи
на всех остальных. Они носят перчатки,
скрывая на коже следы-отпечатки
лилового цвета от чьих-нибудь пальцев,
бесцеремонных в иной ситуации.
Они опасаются солнца в зените.
Обычно, надев толстый вязаный свитер,
выходят из дома по лунной дорожке
пройтись; и не любят, когда понарошку,
когда просто так, не всерьез, не надолго.
Болезненно чувствуют взгляды-иголки
и крошево слов. Они прячут обиду
в глубины глубин, но по внешнему виду
спокойны они, как застывшая глина,
лишь губы поджаты и паузы длинны.
Они уязвимы, они интересны;
и будьте чутки и внимательны, если
вы их приручили: они не похожи
на всех остальных – они чувствуют кожей.
Милорад Павич
их лучше не трогать. Они не похожи
на всех остальных. Они носят перчатки,
скрывая на коже следы-отпечатки
лилового цвета от чьих-нибудь пальцев,
бесцеремонных в иной ситуации.
Они опасаются солнца в зените.
Обычно, надев толстый вязаный свитер,
выходят из дома по лунной дорожке
пройтись; и не любят, когда понарошку,
когда просто так, не всерьез, не надолго.
Болезненно чувствуют взгляды-иголки
и крошево слов. Они прячут обиду
в глубины глубин, но по внешнему виду
спокойны они, как застывшая глина,
лишь губы поджаты и паузы длинны.
Они уязвимы, они интересны;
и будьте чутки и внимательны, если
вы их приручили: они не похожи
на всех остальных – они чувствуют кожей.
Милорад Павич
Wasting time
I have been spending some time today at Andre Michelle's website. It must have been 'homework' day today, haha :D
I'm not a 'coder', web/game-designer and so on but I loved his works in Flash.
Visual games (weird but I like)
Remix of ancient arcade Moonpatrol :D
I'm not a 'coder', web/game-designer and so on but I loved his works in Flash.
Visual games (weird but I like)
Remix of ancient arcade Moonpatrol :D
Bla-bla-bla :)
I'm very disappointed with myself, my attitudes, my public image and everything I have done. So disappointed with the fact I was born such a sophisticated person.
I hate myself crying.
I just must reconsider everything. And again find myself an awful person and stay alone, caring not to worry anyone. That just seems my fixed idea not to worry anyone so I become madly aggressive when someone cares about me. Crazy unsocial Nataly.
I just need to sleep enough :)
I'm very disappointed with myself, my attitudes, my public image and everything I have done. So disappointed with the fact I was born such a sophisticated person.
I hate myself crying.
I just must reconsider everything. And again find myself an awful person and stay alone, caring not to worry anyone. That just seems my fixed idea not to worry anyone so I become madly aggressive when someone cares about me. Crazy unsocial Nataly.
I just need to sleep enough :)
Present for Masha ~ Embroidering
It must be a bit curious for someone who doesn't go in for embroidering :)
I tried to take the pictures of the embroidering process of the giant picture I have ever made (and have ever been given as a gift) but then I gave it up as I hadn't good camera with myself.
From left to right
And done in frame (presentable version)
I tried to take the pictures of the embroidering process of the giant picture I have ever made (and have ever been given as a gift) but then I gave it up as I hadn't good camera with myself.
From left to right
And done in frame (presentable version)
Deep breath before 'death'
The holidays are coming to the end. *sighing*
This January was full of new impressions. I've spent some nights with very memorable people and learnt lots of interesting and useful things for me.
Thanks to Nummi and 9. Tom, you make me laughing and feeling old good Shurf, not Insane Fish Breeder :)
Thanks to Yulia, shocking artist :D I would hardly ever forget your French classes with "Называй меня maitresse!". Thanks to her, in reality, I've learnt the way of the vegan seduction and she lost her vegan way because of me. I feel as a demon, gosh.
Thanks two other people, who didn't want to be noticed in my blog :) You both have lovely barrel-shaped cats.
Thanks to Maria 'Goddess' that she came to Tyumen for 5 days. I'm really glad she liked my gift for her (I would die ( = be in deep depression) if she didn't).
Thanks to Nickolay and Venera for accompanying me in spending my money. I had that 'generous Rockefeller' mood and couldn't buy anything for myself.
Thanks to yes-I-remember-it-is-not-my-guitar-for-ever that rapes my fingers and makes me happy ( don't try to find any bonds between these two actions :) ).
I felt regret for almost 1000 times for cutting my hair even though I was so happy with it in the beginning. I've got the nicknames now as 'asian hustler', 'girly boy' and 'shaggy puppy', loool.
Though I still love my back of the head.
I hope to get over this term without any serious troubles as in the previous one. I'm so willing the summer to begin then I'll likely meet Kirill, Nastya, Ksyusha, Katya, Polina and other former gymnasists. I miss them all very much.
And now, hello Macroeconomics, essay and tasks.
This January was full of new impressions. I've spent some nights with very memorable people and learnt lots of interesting and useful things for me.
Thanks to Nummi and 9. Tom, you make me laughing and feeling old good Shurf, not Insane Fish Breeder :)
Thanks to Yulia, shocking artist :D I would hardly ever forget your French classes with "Называй меня maitresse!". Thanks to her, in reality, I've learnt the way of the vegan seduction and she lost her vegan way because of me. I feel as a demon, gosh.

Thanks to Maria 'Goddess' that she came to Tyumen for 5 days. I'm really glad she liked my gift for her (I would die ( = be in deep depression) if she didn't).
Thanks to Nickolay and Venera for accompanying me in spending my money. I had that 'generous Rockefeller' mood and couldn't buy anything for myself.
Thanks to yes-I-remember-it-is-not-my-guitar-for-ever that rapes my fingers and makes me happy ( don't try to find any bonds between these two actions :) ).
I felt regret for almost 1000 times for cutting my hair even though I was so happy with it in the beginning. I've got the nicknames now as 'asian hustler', 'girly boy' and 'shaggy puppy', loool.
Though I still love my back of the head.
I hope to get over this term without any serious troubles as in the previous one. I'm so willing the summer to begin then I'll likely meet Kirill, Nastya, Ksyusha, Katya, Polina and other former gymnasists. I miss them all very much.
And now, hello Macroeconomics, essay and tasks.
Musical theory :D
Oh, I have just found my second X-mas postcard arrived to my nice Japanese friend in the middle of last December.
And I still wait for the foreign postcards to me. Big thanks to Russian post!
And I still wait for the foreign postcards to me. Big thanks to Russian post!
News, plans, congrats
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everybody who sees it!
I'm so in time as usual xD
And if Nummi sees it HAPPY past BIRTHDAY!
I'll be so busy this January, yeah, though I don't have to pass any exams (lucky dog :D). I'm going to help Nummi and 9th Tom with their examination preparaion, there're physics and graphics, gosh, such a great combination.
I have to finish embrodering a present for Masha. Such an enormous picture, I don't have any ideas how to end it up to 31st January. God bless me :D
I set myself an objective to read a 'couple of books':
I'm becoming such a omnivorous Buchwurm.
There're Hugo, Pratchett, Orwell, Camus, Dreiser, Maruyama, Remark, Zola, Chapek, Kawabata, Strugatsky brothers, the monography of my Philosophy teacher Zakharova O. and a student book of black-and-white graphics.
I try to imrove my English by watching very-popular-American-TVshow-which-every-teen-in-Russia-knows so I don't want to name it as I feel shame x) And I watch Miranda series of BBC two production. Such a perfect British English, excellent pronounciation, aaww... Miranda is cool :D That's a pity it's not shown in Russia, I suppose, 'moms' and teen girls would love it.
And, yes, Russian New Year:
Oh, and I haven't received any postcards from my foreign friends, thanks Russian post.
I'm so in time as usual xD
And if Nummi sees it HAPPY past BIRTHDAY!
I'll be so busy this January, yeah, though I don't have to pass any exams (lucky dog :D). I'm going to help Nummi and 9th Tom with their examination preparaion, there're physics and graphics, gosh, such a great combination.
I have to finish embrodering a present for Masha. Such an enormous picture, I don't have any ideas how to end it up to 31st January. God bless me :D
I set myself an objective to read a 'couple of books':
I'm becoming such a omnivorous Buchwurm.
There're Hugo, Pratchett, Orwell, Camus, Dreiser, Maruyama, Remark, Zola, Chapek, Kawabata, Strugatsky brothers, the monography of my Philosophy teacher Zakharova O. and a student book of black-and-white graphics.
I try to imrove my English by watching very-popular-American-TVshow-which-every-teen-in-Russia-knows so I don't want to name it as I feel shame x) And I watch Miranda series of BBC two production. Such a perfect British English, excellent pronounciation, aaww... Miranda is cool :D That's a pity it's not shown in Russia, I suppose, 'moms' and teen girls would love it.
And, yes, Russian New Year:
Oh, and I haven't received any postcards from my foreign friends, thanks Russian post.
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