The weather looks so nice. I must go for a walk when I get better *_*
P.S. Today's the last day of my antibiotics, hoorah. Since tomorrow I'll eat only some pills for cough (мукалтин and лазолван). And грудной сбор N4, gosh.
I've 'almost already' recovered :) Боюсь писать, что полностью выздоровела, а то получится, как в прошлый раз (читай "в позапрошлом посте") - написала и слегла с темепературой. Nataly is becoming superstitious haha
you'll be able to see me on the concert of my 'former' band in a week (advertisement - entry 400 rub. :D) - I'm actually perform. It's a stupid story but I agreed to perform with them for the last time. I'm the awfullest singer ever xD
I'm a student of economics (^o^)
I speak Russian, English, German, currently study Japanese and Chinese.
When I have spare time I post there with my mobile or PC.
I wish to visit Germany, France, Italy, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, China, South Korea and Japan.
Oh, yes, I go in for academical vocal and guitar.
My congratulations! I hope you recover soon. Looking forward to see you healthy!
I've 'almost already' recovered :)
Боюсь писать, что полностью выздоровела, а то получится, как в прошлый раз (читай "в позапрошлом посте") - написала и слегла с темепературой. Nataly is becoming superstitious haha
Being stious isn't bad, I suppose.
We'll act as you haven't writtten this just to be on the safe side :)
Looking forward to seeing you soon.
you'll be able to see me on the concert of my 'former' band in a week (advertisement - entry 400 rub. :D) - I'm actually perform. It's a stupid story but I agreed to perform with them for the last time.
I'm the awfullest singer ever xD
mmm... when and where?
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