
Old diary

I found my old diary yesterday. Actually it's not so old, the last notes were written last summer.
What I have found out about myself:
  • I'm really crazy about 'creating' family. It's so unconscious but from time to time I used to write about ideal family, children and all the creative things we did in AGTSU were connected with family idea (pictures and stories);
  • I love drawing cats. There are lots of different cats' drawings (most with ballpoint pens) on almost every page of the diary;
  • Pedantic;
  • Self-questioning;
  • Awfully worried about close friends;
  • Dreamy and pensive on the one hand and realistic and sober-minded on the other.
So complicated youth.


Unknown said...

Old diary-notes are so scary...

Nataly said...

I'd say the notes are very girlish :)

Unknown said...

Mine are still boyish. So that's Ok.