
Note: love of art

It seems to me that nowadays to 'confirm' the fact you are a kind of creative person (I don't mean a person with lots of unusual ideas as its meaning is now but an artist, a poet, a photograph, a musician etc) or you simply like the Art you must draw or paint or write poems or compose etc.
It's not problem for the real creatives. But art-lovers?..
I haven't been writing poems and drawing for a long time so my 'confirmation' is quite problematic.
Such an attitude to 'quasi-art-lovers', I belong to, in today's generation opinion, is really unpleasant. I hope it'll change.


Unknown said...

I know only one solution. Try. Draw. Create.
Success comes with practice :)

Nataly said...

I'd better continue to sing baroque cantatas and broaden my semi-soprano/semi-contralto :D

Unknown said...

Singing is good too :)
That's a pity I haven't seen your concert you mentioned.

Nataly said...

That's good you haven't seen. I still feel ashamed for it :D