Our Battle Fantasia is in Japanese and there're even the note "For Japan only" on the game box :) As my Japanese is very poor I hardly ever understand what the characters' dialogues are about. But some Japanese characters are familiar to me and I understand certain sentences. I'm glad :)
The game is for children. I like it sooo. It's very Japanese - the style, the fightings, the characters, the music. As it's almost the first thing from Japan at our home (my postcards and letters from Japan are too small to be "things") we take care of the game. It's so ridiculous :D When we received it the game box was broken :( Russian post is the same all the time.

Sounds attractive :)
I wish I had something from somewhere too .Actually, I already have a PSP-case from Moscow as a winner of one magazine's queeze, but I don't have a PSP. Hurm... Do you need a PSP-case? I guess if it is appropriate for PS3...
no-no, PS3 is much more bigger than PSP!
Ok. May be it's appropriate for carrying lunch?
if lunch is a sandwich and kasha it would appropriate :)
my lunch is an apple or varenki from the dining-hall :D what's yours?
Mine is usually a porridge a something for tea. I buy that in our canteen and it can't be put into the bag.
Actually, I thought about buying PSP, but I know too little about it.
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