Now the time has come as I feel ashamed :)
I'm soooo in love with the life abroad, even after 3 months of being in Sweden I can learn something new every day. Dreams come true and so on, I believe I won't be alone anymore.
We have already passed 2 exams in University West - Macroeconomics and Swedish for beginners. Swedish education system is much better than Russian one, we have 1 examination a month here, not 5 exams in 4 weeks. Though that can be difficult for some one to study the subjects as the teachers just emphasise the key points of the study books for examination and the detailed study sits heavy upon the students.
I've almost forgotten about my film blog but I promise to fulfil it when I'm back to Russia (oh no!), I'll have enough time in the nights :)
I like the life here when I don't have time to write to the blogs :D
I love my today's shelf in the fridge, yammies for the dinner :D
Presentation of Tyumen State University in our village Trollhättan :D
More pictures I will upload there in a moment :)
I should write I miss my guitar Aika, wait for me :)