

One of those beautiful days I'll remember for long time.
Photos by Chebakova Maria 
 Nataly is the sitting black one
We're all looking so ugly strange excepting Lidia Andreevna... 
The craziest-happiest smile of mine I have ever seen O.o
 We are Chinese xD
The idea of 'confrontation' I know, the pic is bad
I'm laughing out loud of this picture xD


My Aika for a half of year and Kirill's guitar for ever :D
Yep, it's 12-string-guitar in origin.


Last days with great friends

Yesterday was the last day of this year when Masha visited me as a guest.
We were watching Rammstein videos in YouTube and some bard singers. That was awesome :D
Masha the Great said she wanted to play this one with me *.*

I liked this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcsSPzr7ays&feature=related

And the day before yesterday I had the last meeting with Kirill. We had a crazy day that day, both wanted to sleep but had fun. Though I'd lost my merry mood to the end of the day Kirill supported me. I'm so grateful. I feel so shame for my tireness. Ah. I'm so waiting for him this winter :)



После встречи с вегетарианской пищей в голове остается только одна мысль: "Стейк с кровью... ммм...".

А дома снова одна выпечка :D


Ах-ах, неужели я стала настолько жалка, что Вселенная слышит мои просьбы и исполняет их с необычной быстротой?
Я бесконечно довольна и бесконечно счастлива.
Последние дни лета такие сумасшедшие, что я почти не сплю.
Я, похоже, буду рыдать, когда снова пойду учиться в институт.

"Дальше будет лучше". Эх.


Maps, maps, maps...

Эти карты мне скоро сниться будут! :D
Превращение сферической карты в плоскую ой как сложно. Ужасно сложно.
Запорола уже десяток чистых листов, пытаясь обхитрить модель глобуса.
Увы, пришлось разлиновать карту, как арбуз, и разрезать по меридианам.
Ой, то ли еще будет :D
Зовите меня картографом xD



One of my favourite female singers. I wish I had her voice.
Most loved lives of KOKIA


No hot water

Ahh, give me hot water back!!! I don't feel my fingers after the morning jogging and there's no hot water at home till 31th August. It makes me depressed :(
It was so cold this morning that I was telling "Run, Forrest, run!" myself :D


Old diary

I found my old diary yesterday. Actually it's not so old, the last notes were written last summer.
What I have found out about myself:
  • I'm really crazy about 'creating' family. It's so unconscious but from time to time I used to write about ideal family, children and all the creative things we did in AGTSU were connected with family idea (pictures and stories);
  • I love drawing cats. There are lots of different cats' drawings (most with ballpoint pens) on almost every page of the diary;
  • Pedantic;
  • Self-questioning;
  • Awfully worried about close friends;
  • Dreamy and pensive on the one hand and realistic and sober-minded on the other.
So complicated youth.

George Carlin

The planet is fine, the people are f**ked.

- Why are we here?
- Plastic ;)

He's great, I like him.

The same with Russian subtitles.


I wish there would be some one who I could say "Пойдем сегодня ночью в поле смотреть звездопад" :D


Even now I'm having that feeling of missing people who will leave Tyumen in some days/weeks.
I want to get more and more happy and positive moments with you before the beginning of my dark and long depression in IIFMB.
Oh, I wish you remember me too while studying so far away from here. To Кирилл and Маша especially :)



I love Setsuka. She has superb combos.
But I s**ks playing with her.
I hope, we will make friends :D


Gorilla with grenade

Now I'm scared of cars a bit. And hate women driving cars for some time.
One young women has nearly driven into me today.
The result: teared off knee breeches on my behind and shocked Nataly.


Dad's jubilee

Yesterday we had a great holiday - my Dad's jubilee.

It was booked a big table in "Бухара - Pizza-Express" restaurant.

Well, I ate enough :) there were salad Иберика, Тортеллинни да Винчи and Cheesecake with Sencha. What has surprised me is the fact Sencha was served with piala, it resembles my childhood in Baskortostan to me.

I got bored almost in the end of the restaurant party as there were only adults and I have nobody to talk with. So I was sitting in silence with my aunt, thanks her for the company.
I'll always remember the words my Dad said me while walking home. I'll always love my Dad. Always.

My new grand hair-do resembles my promo's one (O.o)
~ 70 hair-pins 
My promo's one
~ 100 hair-pins 
My mum, Grandma and aunt. Super beautiful :3
Chic bunch of flowers to my Dad